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Cold Hearted Casanova

de L.J. Shen

idioma: inglês
editor: Amazon Publishing, abril de 2024
From USA Today bestselling author L.J. Shen comes a witty romance about a woman desperate to marry into money…and her fake marriage to a (real) billionaire reluctant to commit even to a zip code.

Riggs Bates may be a billionaire, but he knows money can’t buy happiness. He keeps his financial status a secret and takes his women the same way he takes his meals—a different one three times a day. That’s until he’s caught sleeping with a married newswoman by none other than her ambitious assistant.

Daphne "Duffy" Markham wants two things in life: marry well and stay in the States. So when her almost-fiancé takes off to "find himself" and her work visa approaches expiration, Duffy resorts to the only thing she has left—blackmail. Luckily, Riggs needs an excuse to stay in New York as badly as she does, so their first meeting quickly leads to a begrudging engagement.

Armed with strict house rules and their mutual distaste for one another, Riggs and Duffy soon find there’s no denying the spark between them…or the fact that this fake marriage is starting to feel a little too real.

Cold Hearted Casanova

de L.J. Shen

Propriedade Descrição
ISBN: 9781662512476
Editor: Amazon Publishing
Data de Lançamento: abril de 2024
Idioma: Inglês
Dimensões: 138 x 208 x 27 mm
Encadernação: Capa mole
Páginas: 430
Tipo de produto: Livro
Coleção: Cruel Castaways
Classificação temática: Livros em Inglês > Literatura > Literatura Fantástica
EAN: 9781662512476
L.J. Shen

L.J. Shen é uma autora bestseller com livros traduzidos em mais de vinte línguas. Foi três vezes finalista do prémio Goodreads na categoria Melhor Romance. Estudou Política, Economia e Filosofia, e vive atualmente na Califórnia com o marido e os filhos.

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